STEMeducationLLC...makes learning fun!

STEMeducationLLC provides extra-curricular educational programs with exciting activities that support both the in-class teacher and curriculum using the conceptual and constructivist approaches toward student-centered learning.
Online Mathematics Courses
Bridge the Gap K-12
Praxis Core and Content

"STEM Camp was a great experience. We made balloon cars, designed rockets, and controlled remote cars on a track my peers and I designed. I got to interact with my classmates while learning and having fun all at the same time."
Sasha Khadka
"Explore STEM Summer Camp teachers teach hard skills for future careers, and foster valuable 21st -century life skills like problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. STEM is important because our world depends on it. The economy, our general well-being - it's all backed by science, technology engineering and math."
Susana Teira